What Is Google Discover? | How To Optimize Your Content? | So Keep Simple And Easy | In 2021 — Technoven

9 min readMay 24, 2021


Do you want to know What is Google Discover? Do you want to optimize Google Discover for your blog/website? Do you want to know how this can benefit your blog? So you are in the perfect place We will give a simple and accurate answer to your every question.

Google Discover is a customized feed that suggests content dependent on a client’s past Google searches. This gives the user a different way of searching. This is a query-less content search that fits your preferences and interests.

It learns that it depends on you as it does so that it will provide you with better content for the next time. Is post me we will tell you What is Google Discover and how to optimize your content for Google Discover.

There are many ways to take your blog/website forward, get more traffic, but most people know only a few ways. With the help of Google Discover, you can easily find traffic by optimizing your blog/website. Don’t know how? Let us start from the beginning:

What is Google Discover?

What is Google Discover was launched in September 2018. Google Discover is a mobile experience that offers web content based on your search history. Its most powerful feature is that it shows you content based on your previous Searches.

Contents related to News, Videos, Photography are currently shown in this feature. The software recommends information before searching. In other words, if you say me, you will get attractive subjects without entering keywords. What is Google Discover Google has brought this after its first update Google Feed, to improve the user experience of Internet users.

For this, Google shows users new content based on previous searches. Google suggests to a user that the content is based on their search activity and the activity that goes to your device.In the photo above we From the website, What is Google Discover it can be seen that the Custom Categories are automatically generated keeping in mind the previous searches of the user.

In addition, it also looks at web and application activity, location history, and location settings. You can follow some topics and units to create your profile, along with this you can also set which people Google can reveal to you.Discover is a smart tool that learns how you search and what you like so that you can be provided with the best and timely content according to your needs.

Understand this in such a way that you search Sports News most on the Internet, then Google Discover will show you related content from Sports News in your Google Homepage. The Discover experience continues to receive news content all the time. Last month Hi Google added Feed Me to Web Stories. Being a mobile-oriented format, web stories are a great way to get the attraction. Now you must have understood that how much Google Discover is beneficial and if you optimize your blog then you will get a lot of benefits.

How to optimize your content for Google Discover beneficial for your blog/website?

As we told you above how Google Discover provides people without any keyword search. Google Discover has started a new era of SEO which is searchless search. Here are some tips that you should keep in mind while optimizing your content for Google Discover: If you pay attention to this thing, you will find that Google Discover promotes only those people whose content is the best.

First of all, it was done in 2018, it was known as Google Feed, and then it became a major feature of the Google Chrome mobile application. That is, you have to optimize your blog posts for Google Discover only then you will be featured. The Discover Feed organic search result may also appear to me as an “interesting search” such as a special content result block. So we are going to tell you how you can optimize your blog for Google Discover:

1.Optimize your blog and its content for mobile users

This is the most important step that if you want to optimize your blog for Google Discover then first of all optimize your blog for mobile users. If you haven’t done it previously, do it now. There are many Compared to other rich results, it is very rare.

This is essentially an information feed in which:

  • News.
  • Article.
  • Video.
  • The advertisements
  • And special Google Rich results such as live sports scores.

It is like a social media feed and it is very personalized around the videos you find and videos you watch on YouTube. These all mix with Google’s AI and decide new content for the user, which according to Google is relevant and interesting.

advantages of making your blog mobile-optimized, which include increasing the traffic of your website, having more sign-ups, increasing the conversion rate, etc.
For this, you should set up a nice theme on your blog. You give us

This has brought a new challenge for SEO.

Niche has been told a few adaptations Ginka has a home relationship with better performance.

Google Discover Techno SEO

There is nothing new in terms of technical correlation and performance for Google Discover. Still, there are some areas which are sometimes seen.

You can also try the suggestion of. Apart from this, you try to make your website engaging, navigation easy, and easy to read on mobile devices. If this is not the case, then even if visitors to your website get

visitors from Google Discover, then Exit will be done immediately. And you do not want your site’s Bounce Rate to increase. So Keep Simple, Easy, and Engaging!

Mobile friendly

Google Discover is available only on smartphones and tablets, so your content must be mobile accessible. Google is pushing from a mobile search on Pichle Kai Salon. But still, you will see that many sites are not mobile optimized.

So if you want to gain visibility with the help of Google Discover and want to be in this game, then you have to make the mobile experience of your site as good as the desktop. Isca Matlab is to ensure that: Your mobile experience is not clustered with ads or pop-ups.

Any picture or scene that you have done in your article should be accessible and “readable”, if not, keep in mind that when users click on your picture, expand and use the zoom to be zoomed.

Your content is accessible and usable on a mobile device. It is a part of the mobile-friendly equation. The speed of your site is different. There is a correlation between the Google Discover feed and the content that loads fast.

2.Try to interlink blog posts as much as possible.

If you want your blog to be a feature in Google Discover, then you should write a lot of articles on one topic and what is interlink them. Interlinking means adding links from posts on all the same topics to all posts. You will usually add links to all related posts in your posts. This is very important especially when you are optimizing your blog for Google Discover.

By doing this, you tell Google that all your similar posts are linked among themselves, which will improve the user experience of users. Google also says that write such contents that visitors engage, enjoy your content and read more and more of your content. This is also a plus point for you to improve in Search Rankings. Linking similar contents among themselves will increase the chances of your blog being featured in google discover.

3.Use a balanced amount of Image optimization

The image plays a very important role in driving traffic from Discover. This is a very important step that you should use Eye Catching optimized Image in your blog content.

Doing so will increase your chances of getting a feature in Google Discover. Experience also suggests that Kata’s Content tab performs better when you create unique imagery and tie in with your content. Google also says that Content Creators should use balanced images of high-quality optimized images in their blog posts. You also have to follow the image SEO best practice and take care of it: So wherever necessary, definitely use images.

  • The image file size is Compress them to use images in your content.
  • The appropriate descriptive filename of the image is ho.
  • Appropriate alternative text.
  • Have a descriptive caption.

For this, you can use Tool. In addition to articles and Google-owned content features, YouTube has a lot of Google search features. For content strategy Also, do not forget to give alt tags of pictures of your blog posts. To succeed in the Google Discover strategy, you have to have a mix of content:

  1. Evergreen pieces
  2. Content that follows the latest industry trends
  3. Relevant topics and informational content
  4. Time sensitivity and real-time content

Discover can reveal your content instantly. Therefore you need to post the content promptly. If you do not compress your images and will also give alt tags, then your Search Ranking will be badly affected. You can use the help of the Yoast SEO plugin to optimize your images.

Under your shadow, you see trending topics or popular subjects in your niche, and they’re bare like me.Your high-quality, evergreen content can do me a good job.

4. Post more image and more videos

Along with image optimization, you should also add videos to your blog content. Whenever you feel that videos need to be added, then add them. This is one of the best ways to optimize your blog for Google Discover.

This is because people will pay more attention to visual content than your written content, so your page session will increase. With this, by adding videos, your posts will be more engaging and the user experience of visitors will increase.

In this way, Chances will also go after you feature in Search Ranking and Google Discover. The best formula to rank in Google Discover is to make your blog content as much as possible.

google discover loves videos a lot and considers videos to be ever better content than evergreen content. Along with this, it has been found in Reports that visitors prefer to watch videos to understand the content and brand of your blog. Therefore, add optimized high-quality videos to your content.

5. Do read Google News Guidelines

To rank in Google Discover, you must read and follow the guidelines of Google News. Google has stated in its official statement that Content Creators should focus on the Guidelines of Google News.

Now if we talk about what are the requirements of Google News, then it includes publishing the original content, keeping ads to a minimum on your blog posts, keeping Factual and Transparent things in posts, etc.

If you want to read the policies and guidelines of Google News, then Go to You read all the things written in it carefully and follow them. This is the most important step to rank your blog in Google Discover.

How to optimize your blog for Google Discover:

Conclusion Customer expectation

If you want to get Google Discover coverage, then it is definitely for you to set client expectations. By optimizing your blog for Google Discover, you can easily feature in it. Discover me The average life span of a post is 2 to 3 days.

You must interlink similar contents of your blog, optimize your blog for mobile devices, use a balanced amount of optimized photos, add videos when necessary, and follow the guidelines of Google News Do not forget to do. In this post, we have explained in better and easier language what is Google Discover is and how you can optimize your blog for it.

Hopefully, you have found this article of Google Discover (what is Google Discover and how to optimize your content for it) informative. For any other problem, please comment below. If you liked the post, please share.

Originally published at https://technoven.co.in on May 24, 2021.




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